佛罗里达餐厅由雄伟而浪漫的餐桌所组成,餐桌上珍贵的古典细节与胡桃木胡桃木的顶部相映成趣,而枫木则饰有珍贵的花卉镶嵌。 精致的白色表面和上漆的金质内衬增强了弧形的“ S”形腿,并赋予了微妙而精致的魅力。
The Florida dining room is composed of a majestic and romantic dining table of precious classical details with a top in canaletto walnut decorated by precious floral marquetry in maple. The delicate white finish with lacquered gold inserts enhances the curved “S”-shaped legs and confers a subtle and refined allure.